Bread, glorious bread,
Soft in the middle with crust on the outside.
And take a slice and spread, with butter or jam, topped with slices of ham
Salad or honey and cream, It doesn’t matter how different or extreme!
Bread, glorious bread, Bread, glorious bread.
Verse 1
In rolls or buns and spicy fruit loaves
In white bread or brown bread,
In damper or toast. The flour and the water mixed in a dough,
And into the oven for an hour or so. Chorus
Nutrition; Food!
This song goes with any activity designed to go with food! School sausage sizzles or hot-dog days require bread, lunches and picnics; even feeding the ducks on an excursion! It’s basically a sing-a-long song which can lend itself to the imagination in the last verse. “Pickles, gherkins, mustard, salami and beetroot” can all be substituted for other, equally delectable food. Create a monster sandwich today – YUM!!
There are a number of activities covering a range of areas on this theme including language development, Mathematics, Social Studies, science and cooking housed in the MEMBERS CONTENT area of this web page.
As an example: Maths:
Measure the size of the freshly mixed loaf with yeast in it – periodic checks through the day using calipers (width), rulers (height) and scales (weight).
Question: Al though the dough increases in size, does its mass increase?
Question: What weighs more; 1 kilo of dough or 1 kilo of feathers?
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