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Music  →  Children’s Music  →  Songs For The Classroom  →  A Delightful Dozen  →  Rain


  • Mark Bainbridge
  • Rain
Verse 1

Rain falls from the sky above me,

I feel it splatter on my rain­ coat,

Pitter, Patter, Spitter, Spatter.

It dribbles down my chin, It wipes away my grin,

It’s so wet, I can’t go out to play.

Pitter, Patter, Spitter, Spat­ ter.

It’s so wet, I can’t go out to play.


Seasons; Water, winter


This song was written for a “winter’s Night” at the Castlemaine Kindergarten in 1988. Its simplicity makes it suitable for a young audience of pre-school and junior primary children.


There are a number of activities covering a range of areas on this theme including language development, Mathematics, Social Studies, science and games housed in the MEMBERS CONTENT area of this web page.

As an example: Science: Water Cycle and water catchment areas, water conservation and need of water for growth {ie. irrigation to crops and watering the garden). Hydro electric power could also be looked at.

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