Grant us oh Lord, peace in our time
Our gift in return, our lives will shine
Live in us Lord, Truth we will seek
Be with us Lord, in all words we speak
Vs 1
We are the young of your church, be with us now
We come to you full of hope; fill us with your love
And open our ears to your words
Guide us in our day
Vs 2
We are the youth of your church, be with us now
Let us be witness to you, as we live our lives
Open our eyes to see
Guide us with your truth
Vs 3
We are the body of your church, be with us now
Here are our arms and our voice to help spread your word
Teach us to see the light
Guide us in your ways
Mark Bainbridge©1990
We Are the Youth
This tune came about as a response to some young adults explaining their disapproval of the music that was played in church, “How old and antiquated it sounded”..(?) I think were the words they used.
As I was playing the music at the time. (I was getting that old I reflect!) I asked them what they would like to hear! Their answer was typical – something with a beat, with a swing, something that is moving along and alive!
One hopes that the Church, that is, the people that make up our church, are also moving along (·with the Spirit) and alive! (With Faith and trust in Jesus)
It makes a great entrance hymn for a Youth Mass. or indeed any children’s liturgy