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Music  →  Children’s Music  →  Children’s Songs Of Praise  →  Water Of Life  →  Jump Down Body Song

Jump Down Turn Around

  • Mark Bainbridge
  • Jump Down Body Song


Jump down, turn around, Shake your hands in the air

Jump down, turn around, shuffle your feet

Jump down, turn around, wiggle your body, Yeh!

Jump down, turn around, clap to the beat

VS 1

Let’s look at our body that God has designed.

Two arms and two legs and a tummy that’s fine.

The eyes and the nose are in front of the face

And the mouth and the ears are in the right place.               CH

VS 2

Let’s look at our body that God has designed.

Two hands with ten fingers that wiggle just fine.

Five toes on each foot, to jump, twist and spring.

And a voice box within, to talk, shout and sing!     CH.

VS 3

Let’s look at our body that God has designed.

With hair that is curly, or straight, or just fine.

We all have a bottom, to sit upon

And we all have a back bone, which is strong!        CH.

Mark Bainbridge ©1996

Some Participation Suggestions


  • Easy for children to pick up and sing
  • However, the actions that go with this song tend to make children out of puff!
  • sometimes best just to play song and allow the children to exercise!


  • Actions are self evident and the song basically tells them what to do
  • Can be used as a form of indoor exercise or aerobics on rainy days.

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